
Academic and industry research has identified Psychological Safety as the number one determining factor of successful people and teams. Until recently, we haven’t had the knowledge or tools to unpack psychological safety. The logical starting place was its root – the brain, yet we lacked the ability to measure, track or implement strategies for something so intangible and subjective.

Thanks to recent breakthroughs in neuroscience research we are now gaining this visibility.  Our programs leverage this research to provide valuable insights into the brain – the importance and impact of psychological safety and the strategies to protect and build it personally and collectively.

The Academy of Brain-based Leadership has a global reputation as a preeminent neuroscience-based thought leader using a proprietary Psychological S.A.F.E.T.Y.™ Model and S.A.F.E.T.Y.™ assessment to build psychologically safe teams and cultures.

What sets us apart?

We are not just Psychological Safety training providers, we offer a Psychological Safety 'System'. We design and tailor our solutions to meet your organizational objectives. From individual scalable learning to leader and team training workshops, and a host of learning and support diagnostics and tools our tailored solutions build and maintain Psychological Safety at 4 levels: Self, Relationship, Team and Culture.

Psychological Safety 4 Levels of Focus

From our experience, cultural change and transformation happen one brain at a time, in environments where people are supported and nurtured. Psychological safety in the workplace is essential in fostering an organizational culture that helps employees with feelings of inclusion, empowerment, and progress. By enhancing professionalism in the workplace through leadership development that focuses on psychological safety, the corporate environment can become more open and better equipped to nurture diversity and inclusion.

Psychological safety training is a crucial element of developing an efficient and inclusive workplace where employees feel valued. As such, we take a concentric approach to building safe cultures through:

Personal Safety

We use psychological safety exercises founded in neuroscience to develop self-awareness and wellness in the workplace. By improving the culture of the corporate environment one brain at a time, our psychological safety training activities work to benefit the organization as a whole.

Relationship Safety

By fostering healthy relationships in the work environment through psychological safety training, these exercises help develop a stronger organizational culture conducive to teamwork and efficiency.

Team Safety

Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams are important for creating an environment that fosters active integration of all team members. Research shows that team psychological safety is the number one contributor to high-performing teams and serves to enhance the development and success of the organization overall.

Culture Safety

Fostering cultural safety in the workplace is important to enhance an environment that is both diverse and inclusive. Psychological safety and diversity create a workplace culture that empowers and encourages growth. Through shared understanding, language and skills, we build psychological safety at all four levels and create a culture where people:

  • Have the skills to understand and communicate their needs.
  • Feel free to be their authentic selves, to speak up, and to take risks.
  • Respect and nurture their own and others’ psychological safety needs.
  • Practice and experience safe and positive exchanges and collaboration.
  • Are safe, engaged, motivated, and supported to do their best work.
  • Are empowered to create and support a psychologically safe culture.

Results speak for themselves


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